Becoming Involved Through Poetry – Class 5B English Project (23/24)

What we did

We wrote different poetry books. The class was divided in groups of three and four. Each group wrote a poetry book with a self-imagined story. 
The topic: a real-world-problem.

Our inspiration

The book “Sophia Valdez Future Prez” was our inspiration. It is about a little girl that is a real life go-getter. That means, she wants to get things done and to solve a lot of problems. In the book she transforms a big mountain of junk in a beautiful park with the help of the whole city, because her Abuelo (grandfather) tumbles down and hurts his ankle.

How we worked

We worked in two sprints. A sprint is a period between two days. For every sprint we got a worksheet, where we could write down what we want to finish in this time. Often the goal is to finish two or more pages for the poetry book in one sprint. Also we got some evaluation sheets. You can give these sheets to other people of your group or from other groups. With these sheets they evaluate your writing. The groupwork was very relaxed and it was a lot of fun for everyone.
We learned a lot how to be an activist and that also small things can make a difference and help to solve big problems.

Written by Charlotte Fonrobert (5b, June 2024)

Elisa Wish_Poetry Book_5B

The Well Problem_Poetry Book_5B

Just a Smile_Poetry Book_5B

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