„Viral Overnight“ – Schüler:innen der 6B erreichen den 2. Platz beim Bundeswettbewerb Fremdsprachen 

Plot ausdenken, Charaktere entwickeln, Drehbuch schreiben, Film drehen und schneiden: In der Englisch AG für die Klassen 6-10 tauchen sprachbegeisterte Schüler:innen in die Welt des Filmemachens ein – in English, of course. In diesem Jahr nahmen zwei Gruppen aus der Klasse 6B auch am Bundeswettbewerb Fremdsprachen teil und Pheline, Sofia, Finn, Cara und Toni haben es geschafft: Platz 2 in Nordrhein-Westfalen und eine Einladung zur Siegerehrung am 6.6. in Gelsenkirchen sind ein großartiger Erfolg! Hier kann man ihren Bericht lesen und den Film ansehen. We’re proud of you!

Viral Overnight – Award day in Gelsenkirchen
On the 6th of June a group of 6th graders recieved an award for being the runner-up in Bundeswettbewerb Fremdsprachen. The group drove along with Mr. Lippert,  Mr. Hechler and two parents all the way to Gelsenkirchen to receive their award.
And today I’m going to tell you all about it!
After the fourth lesson it was time to get changed into formal gowns and drive to a school in  Gelsenkirchen. The drive was about one hour long and when we arrived we were greeted by the smell of a huge buffet. The tables were filled with cake, hearty bites, drinks and so much more.
The award ceremony took place in the big school hall where the Mayor of Gelsenkirchen gave a speech along with other important people.
Afterwards, we were called on stage, got a huge applause and everyone of us was given a goodie bag and we also got one huge flower bouqet wich looked and smelled amazing!
Then, some pictures were taken and it was already time to go.
But it wasn’t fully over yet – we also had dinner at Burger Faktur. It was really nice since the food was absolutely incredible and everyone was having a good time. But the day was coming to an end and everybody went home.
It was such an amazing opportunity to make so many memories, be on stage and win the Bundeswettbewerb Fremdsprachen. I’m so thankful!
And if you’re wondering with what we even won the competition – Let me tell you!
So we filmed a film (in English) wich was about spreading a message: Don’t bully other people just because you’re not self-confident. We really wanted to make a film with a clear message and I think we did that very well! If you want to watch it, it’s on the OHG Website. Have fun watching!

So to sum up this was such a special journey to me. A few months ago we started making this film and we actually won which is crazy to me. The experience in Gelsenkirchen was fantastic and the food was awesome. I’m incredibly thankful for all of this.

Antonia Sauer, 6B